BULETIN ILMIAH NAGARI MEMBANGUN 2024-04-04T14:30:57-04:00 Ferry Lismanto Syaiful Open Journal Systems <p><strong>ISSN:&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2622-9978</a> (Online)</strong><br><strong>Buletin Ilmiah Nagari Membangun</strong> is a peer-reviewed journal published by Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (Institute for Research and Community Services) Universitas Andalas. Buletin Ilmiah Nagari Membangun is open access and peer-reviewed journal that aims to offer an educational platform for scientific writings and report on the results of community services, outreach, and dissemination.</p> <p>Buletin Ilmiah Nagari Membangun will publish and disseminate the results of the application of science, technology, and art by university scholars in the community. Buletin Ilmiah Nagari Membangun generally focuses on several issues of community empowerment and disseminating appropriate science and technology in education, food security, health, social, economic, local culture, and human resource development.</p> <p>The journal encourages contributions from university scholars based on related issues. Buletin Ilmiah Nagari Membangun is published in March, June, September, and December four times a year. The successful articles will be based on the work's quality, novelty, and recency. The journal uses an online submission and peer review platform, allowing authors to track their manuscripts' progress. Please send your scientfic work on the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">submission</a> link.</p> PENINGKATAN PRODUKTIVITAS PETERNAK SAPI POTONG DI NAGARI SARIAK LAWEH MELALUI PELATIHAN MANAJEMEN PERENCANAAN PRODUKSI YANG EFISIEN 2024-04-04T12:04:18-04:00 Dwi Yuzaria Nuraini Nuraini M. Ikhsan Rias Amri Syahardi <p>This activity is conducted with cattle farmers in Nagari Sariak Laweh, Akabiluru District, Fifty Kota Regency. Based on the preliminary survey in Nagari Sariak Laweh, most cattle farmers engage in farming as a side business, alongside growing food crops. Until now, knowledge about efficient and productive livestock management among the group members remains low. Rice straw has not been utilized as feed, and farmers struggle to obtain fresh forage and afford the relatively expensive concentrate feed. Farmers also face challenges acquiring fertilizers due to the high cost of synthetic fertilizers. Therefore, the goal of this activity is to enhance the skills and knowledge of cattle farmers in the Akabiluru district regarding beef cattle management, aiming to increase the productivity of the raised beef cattle. The method of delivering the material is carried out to equip participants with good beef cattle management practices, the utilization of straw, and the use of cattle manure. The results of this activity include cattle farmers gaining an understanding and proficiency in beef cattle management. Additionally, farmers are trained to produce fermented feed and organic fertilizer. As evidence of success, participants, with the guidance of the resource persons, successfully produced 55 kg of fermented straw, 55 kg of silage, and 17 kg of organic fertilizer made from cattle manure.</p> 2024-03-27T00:00:00-04:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## INISIASI POSYANDU REMAJA SEBAGAI PENCEGAHAN ANEMIA REMAJA PUTRI DI PUSKESMAS MLATI II KABUPATEN SLEMAN 2024-04-04T12:04:19-04:00 Muhamad Almas Radifan Mubasysyir Hasanbasri <p>There are several adolescent girls who have experienced anemia in villages around Puskesmas Mlati II, especially at the junior high school level, 21.03% of a total of 233 students in January 2020, which is before the COVID-19 pandemic. The prevalence of anemia is expected to increase after the pandemic. The main factors are the habit of not eating breakfast, poor diet, and lack of adolescent health services. The poverty factor in the family and the irregular distribution of blood supplement tablets are the drivers of the problem of anemia. As for the prevention of the problem of anemia of adolescent girls in the villages around the Puskesmas Mlati II area, the PKPR and nutritionist plan to establish adolescent posyandu in each hamlet. It is hoped that the initiation of the adolescent posyandu will not only carry out posyandu with five tables, but can also include other additional programs such as educational webinars, online peer education, shared breakfast practices, and permaculture nutrition garden practices. The purpose of this activity is to create an adolescent posyandu as one of the efforts of adolescent girls' health services in preventing anemia. The results of this activity are in the form of a description of the urgency of adolescent posyandu for the health of adolescent girls and the initiation of the adolescent posyandu itself, such as situation analysis of the problem of anemia, planning of program implementation, including the formation of adolescent cadres, and preparing a draft evaluation document.</p> 2024-03-27T00:00:00-04:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## EDUKASI MANFAAT NUTRISI BAGI TUMBUH KEMBANG GIGI DAN MULUT ANAK USIA PRA SEKOLAH PADA MURID TK ADZKIA III DI KOTA PADANG 2024-04-04T12:04:19-04:00 Gita Dwi Jiwanda Sovira Wulandani Liza Putri Nila Kasuma <p>Children's dental health is very important to ensure the child's nutritional status, speaking ability and attractive appearance. Nutrition, diet and dental health in children are closely related, especially in children who are in the growth and development phase. Good quality and proper nutrition is very important to support dental health. Likewise, dental health is also important for adequate nutritional intake. If the teeth and mouth are healthy, then nutritional intake will be optimal, and if nutrition is optimal then the growth and development of the teeth and mouth will also be optimal. As many as 89% of children in Indonesia suffer from dental disease. A number of surveys show that more than a third of the toddler population has experienced toothache and one sixth of them have had at least one tooth extracted. The growth and development of teeth is influenced by nutrition. Healthy dentition will occur if all nutritional elements are available in sufficient quantities. The aim of the activity: to provide education to young children about the importance of nutrition for the growth and development of teeth and mouth. The activity method used is the tell-show-do method with presentations using power point media, posters, models of teeth and toothbrushes, as well as examination of children's teeth and mouths. This method is one of the most appropriate methods for providing education to early childhood. Results of the activity: increased knowledge of children and the emergence of a sense of courage when having a dental examination by a dentist. Conclusion: This activity has a positive impact on young children because children understand better that there is a connection between nutrition and oral health.</p> 2024-03-27T00:00:00-04:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## EDUKASI PENINGKATAN PENGETAHUAN WALI MURID TENTANG IMUNISASI PADA SISWA PADA SD NEGERI 02 LADANG LAWEH DI KABUPATEN LIMA PULUH KOTA 2024-04-04T12:08:03-04:00 Ayulia Fardila Sari ZA Fatimatuz Zahra Batubara Thiara Suci Budiman Dian Muslimah Arum Dira Diyana Panesa Anggraila Intan Berliana Marianda Selsa Malia Putri <p>The achievement of complete basic immunization at the Situjuh Community Health Center, Limapuluh Kota Regency is very low, namely 17.8%. This figure is far from the target of 80%. Efforts are needed to increase parents' awareness of the importance of immunization in children. The aim of this activity is to provide education to increase the knowledge of parents/guardians about immunization in children. The community empowerment methods used are counseling and advocacy. This activity consists of: situation analysis, licensing, creating health promotion media in the form of leaflets and posters, advocacy counseling, and evaluation. The target audience is the parents/guardians of SDN 02 Ladang Laweh students. Target selection was based on recommendations from the Situjuh Community Health Center. Extension activities were carried out accompanied by the distribution of leaflets and posters. The counseling was attended by 27 parents of students which was held in the classroom at SDN 02 Ladang Laweh. As a result of the activity, there was positive acceptance and response from the parents regarding immunization for children. After counseling, advocacy was carried out at the school regarding the teacher's commitment to supporting immunization activities for children. Based on the evaluation results by analyzing pre and post-test questionnaires, there was an increase in parents' knowledge about immunization in children. It can be concluded that education in the form of counseling using leaflets and posters can increase the understanding and knowledge of parents/guardians of students at SD Negeri 02 Ladang Laweh regarding the importance of complete basic immunization in children.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00-04:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PELATIHAN MANAJEMEN USAHA DALAM UPAYA PENGEMBANGAN USAHA BORDIR DI NAGARI SINGGALANG KABUPATEN TANAH DATAR 2024-04-04T12:48:44-04:00 Yessy Andriani Dian Yuni Anggraeni Laksmi Dewi <p>This activity aims to provide business management training for embroidery businesses in Nagari Singgalang, Tanah Datar. This aims to ensure that the business can be managed well so that it provides good business profits. The method used in this service activity is the lecture and training method. The lecture method is given in the form of counseling using public participative and woman participative techniques in economics. This method focuses training on female embroidery craftsmen. In training activities, business actors are given business management training which includes capital management, production management and preparation of financial reports. Partner businesses are given direct assistance in managing their business starting from creating a business organizational structure, creating Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) for business activities and creating business financial reports. The output resulting from this activity is that the partner business has an organizational structure for the partner embroidery business where each member of the company has their own duties. The training also produces Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) for every embroidery business activity starting from SOPs for ordering, production and delivery or sales. Apart from that, partner businesses also have simple business financial reports. Thus, this training has increased the ability of business partners to manage their business so that business management becomes more organized and focused. This certainly makes it easier for business managers to manage their business. As a result, businesses achieve efficiency in production. Good business management will also make it easier to develop your business in the future.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00-04:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## EDUKASI KESEHATAN TENTANG INFEKSI SOIL TRANSMITTED-HELMINTHS DENGAN MEDIA BOARD GAME DI SD IT AL MARHAMAH KAMPUNG DALAM KABUPATEN PADANG PARIAMAN 2024-04-04T13:10:40-04:00 Selfi Renita Rusjdi Refa Rahmaddiansyah Muhammad Nur Alif Johar Mutia Utami gabriel septian hendra Maisarah Fadhilah Wulandari Wulandari Ahmad Raffi Yustian Siti Aisyah Nilam Faizah Kaltsum Selin Faysa Satiya <p>Worm infections caused by soil-transmitted helminths (STH) occur almost throughout the world, especially in countries with tropical climates. In terms of prevalence, Indonesia ranks third in cases of worm infections, the majority of which infect school-aged children in coastal areas. This activity was carried out for students at SD IT Al Marhamah Kampung Dalam in Padang Pariaman Regency by providing education about preventing soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections using board game media. The activity aims to increase students' knowledge regarding soil transmitted helminth infections and their prevention. This activity uses a descriptive observational approach, with the target covering students in grades 3 to 6 at SD IT Al Marhamah. The activity was carried out on February 11, 2023, at SD IT Al Marhamah Padang Pariaman with board game media to educate school children about worm infections. Activities consist of licensing, implementation of service, and evaluation. In total, 94 SD IT Al Marhamah Padang Pariaman students participated in service activities. In terms of distribution, there were 39 men and 55 women. Before the extension activities, a pretest was carried out. Then, education was carried out and continued with a post-test to assess students' knowledge of STH infections. The research results showed that there was an increase in the level of knowledge before and after the intervention. It was concluded that the final results of the activity showed that the increase in the level of knowledge of SD IT Al Marhamah students regarding soil transmitted helminth infections after being given counseling using the board game method showed that the intervention was successful. The students who took part in the activity were satisfied with the extension activity and gave a positive response.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00-04:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## EDUKASI PENGGUNAAN OBAT BERBASIS KUNJUNGAN RUMAH UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PENGETAHUAN MASYARAKAT DI NAGARI SIKUCUR, KABUPATEN PADANG PARIAMAN 2024-04-04T13:39:15-04:00 Lailaturrahmi Lailaturrahmi Elsa Badriyya Annisa Fauzana Dita Permatasari <p>The trend of independent drug use behavior (self-medication) among Indonesian people, especially in West Sumatra Province, continues to increase. Without knowledge about the correct use of drugs, people will be at risk to drug use problems. Therefore, education on drug use needs to be implemented to increase public knowledge regarding drug use. By increasing their knowledge, the public will have rational drug use behavior. The aim of this community outreach is to increase public knowledge regarding the use of over-the-counter drugs and limited over-the-counter drugs in treating health problems. The method of activity carried out is education through face-to-face home visits. This activity was carried out in Nagari Sikucur, V Koto Kampung Dalam District, Padang Pariaman Regency. There were 30 community members or family representatives who were the targets of this drug use education and home visit. The implementation of this activity involved five teams consisting of pharmacy lecturers with pharmacists’ qualification, Master of Pharmacy students who had registered as pharmacists, and Bachelor of Pharmacy students. The activity started with an introduction, continued with a pre-test, providing education, post-test, and handing over self-medication drug packages to the community. The results of this home visit-based education show that the community's knowledge score regarding drugs is higher than before the education. It can be concluded that the objectives of this activity were achieved well. To achieve better activity results, preliminary studies, collaboration with stakeholders, time allocation, and adequate technical preparation of activities are required.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00-04:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGENDALIAN KEONG MAS PADI SAWAH SEBAGAI KEARIFAN LOKAL MASYARAKAT DI DESA EMPAT BALAI KECAMATAN KUOK KABUPATEN KAMPAR 2024-04-04T14:30:57-04:00 Hafiz Fauzana Nelvia Nelvia Rusli Rustam Arman Effendi AR Susilawati Susilawati Idwar Idwar Erlida Ariani Fetmi Silvina Fifi Puspita Irfandri Irfandri Pajri Ananta Yudha Arif Fashli Hakiki Riska Pebrianti Rizky Ramadhoni <p>Gold snail (<em>Pomacea canaliculata</em> L.) is the main pest of rice plants in Empat Balai Village, Kuok District, Kampar Regency. Farmers in Empat Balai Village experience gold snail infestation every year, which has an impact on production. The purpose of community service activities is to conduct community service by counseling and controlling carp pests in rice fields by utilizing local wisdom in Empat Balai Village. The methods in this service are survey, consolidation, counseling and field practice. The counseling was held at Mushallah Miftahul Jannah in Pulau Empat Hamlet, while the field practice was at the farmer’s house and rice fields in Empat Balai Village. The material provided was about bioecology and how to control the carp snail pest. It was emphasized that the recommended control carp pests are the management of carp pests in the egg phase, because one group of eggs has 500 eggs and control is easier in the egg phase. Control in the egg phase includes making drainage or small ditches, installing bamboo stakes so that the snails lay their eggs there, and collecting the eggs once a week. In the snail phase, involves setting up attractant plant traps (gadung tuber leaf, papaya leaf, and banana leaf), kalambuai traps (kaltrap), installing of irrigated nets, utilizing ducks, and vegetable molluscicides. In addition, preventive measure was taken, such as planting older seedlings. The farmers were very enthusiastic about this activity. As a result, farmers gained additional knowledge about gold snail pests and how to control them, improve farmers skills on gold snail pests control methods by utilizing local wisdom.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00-04:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##